Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Month Young!!

Don't you ever just wish you could stop time even just for a moment and remember all the little things...the things that truly matter...?? Well, we do...Our little Miaya is 1 month old today and we can't believe how fast it has flown by. She is 9 lbs 130z now and 22 inches long...She is such a good little baby, just starting to notice her surroundings and focus on faces. She smiles now at the sound of our voices which is the greatest know that you are loved unconditionally...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Big girl!!

Look at how big our little girl is getting!!! We see the changes every day in our little Miaya... Maddie always says "I just want to squeeze her Mama!"...I know what you mean honey! She is just so cute!!!