Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hmmm...more teeth??!

Miaya's 1st tooth has broken all the way through now and we are sure she is working on another...I thought she was going to eat the head off her Octopus today in the bath!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

MY 1st TOOTH!!!

Can you see it??!!! I have my very first TOOTH!!!! It keeps peaking out more every day!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

7 Months!!

I have been asking myself all day where the last 7 months has gone...all I know is that it has gone by entirely too fast. Our Little Miss Miaya is such a sweet little girl who may or may not have a bit of a her father...We both keep saying that we feel she will be the one to cause our grey hairs but time will tell I guess!! I absolutely love every day being at home with her, I know all to well how fast she will grow not to enjoy every minute!! I am sure over the next few weeks there will be some "firsts" to list, as she continues to do new things all the time!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cutie Patooties!

and they are all ours!