Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thought for the day...

I heard this today, thought I would share it...

Don't clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our weekend. Brought to you by Coors Light and Other things...

We headed down to our friend's house where we set up the trailer for the weekend in their driveway...it was soon known as "Camp Richard!" We played a game of ball Friday night and although we lost by 2 runs, we had a blast...

I packed Miaya up Saturday morning, headed for Gramma and Grandpa's where she was going to have her 1st sleepover with them...(She did awesome apparently too!!) I turned back around to make it in time for another game of ball...and we won this one!!!

We had quite a long wait between games, which is where the Coors Light comes in...and some horseshoes...and maybe a nap;) And then out came the "Mullets"...no idea if that is spelled correctly!!! Yup, that's my brother with the blond one on...NICE!!!!

We played a 3rd game which we lost by 1 run, (I had to throw that in)...and the boys wore their hair there too. We had a super weekend and although I have not too many pics to post, Maddie had a fantastic time with her friends and a nice break from her little sister!!

Thanks Gramma and Grandpa for keeping our little monkey out of trouble for the day, glad you had fun and glad she was so good for you!!!