Thursday, November 24, 2011


...and we only set out for Miaya's 1st hair cut!!!

We had some on-lookers...And when Miaya waited she was fine but as soon as Lynne brought the scissors over...look out!!!

She didn't enjoy having to sit still or everyone pointing and giggling...She is so cute though and it only lasted for a few short minutes!  Lynne did the best she could and we can go back and get more taken off soon...And Daddy was behind the camera, so it was nice he was able to be there to witness her 1st hair cut!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

7 years ago...

 we became the happiest people in the world.  I hope to never forget that day...8:24am, it was a Tuesday morning...and we never believed that life could get better than it was at that moment. 

But here we are, 7 years later and life has gotten better.  Our Madalynn, she is so sweet, thoughtful and beautiful, inside and out...We started her BIG day with some yummy cinnamon rolls and then she was off to school!!  And I stayed here and thought a lot about the past 7 years....

Monday, November 21, 2011

16 Months...

Our sweet baby is now (just over) 16 months and she is full of personality!  Miaya finally had her 15 month check up today, we were overdue because of sickness last month.  She weighed in at 23.8lbs and is 32 1/2" long...She can say lots of words and she is a girl that knows what she wants...or doesn' keeps us on our toes daily!!!  She is just so darn sweet though!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Funny Miaya

Miaya really needs her 1st haircut, so for today, she let me put a little pony in it!  She is funny...that's all I can say!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


To some Christmas tunes!!!!  Yup, the big guy is coming soon...hope you are all ready:)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Reading to my Jersey..

But Jersey wasn't watching!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Daddy's Lunch Pail..

is lots of fun to drag around...because if his lunch pail is here that means he is still here too!!! 

Like Mother, Like Daughter

This wasn't planned but Daddy pointed out that we matched today...Huh...we we took some pictures!!!