Monday, December 31, 2012

Miss Miaya

The girls!!!


 Our friend has an AWESOME hill at his house!!  It takes a lot of work to get back up so Mark would pick the kids up at the bottom with the snowmobile!!  A few weeks ago, we weren't sure we would have any we've got lots!!

New Year's Eve!!!

We had such a riot tonight!!  The big and the little kids!!!  We were outside..sledding, skating, playing, 4-wheeling and snowmobiling!

The boys took the older kids on a very long snowmobile ride...almost an hour and a half they were gone for!  We didn't even eat until after 9 pm!  None of us minded though, we were enjoying the fresh air and some good conversation!
Great time was had by all!  And we even saw midnight which is pretty good!!  Hope everyone stayed safe!!  Farewell 2012...Can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shopping and hockey!

I went out today...alone...and met my sister-in-law for a little shopping and then I watched my nephew play some hockey.  Did some more shopping and then watched my brother play some hockey!!  I had a great day!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another Christmas!

 It started snowing again this morning, so out we went for some more fresh air!

 We had to do some more shoveling and then my brother and his family got here to join in on some fun!
We were able to get a rink ready to go for some skating and the kids used it after if got dark.


 We had some munchies to eat and we opened some more gifts!  This year was great too because we got to spend time with everyone instead of yelling over everyone...ha ha ha!! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lots of SNOW!!!

We got LOTS of snow last night and this morning!!  We LOVE playing in the snow but before we could play, we had to shovel ourselves out!  Even Santa was buried!!!


 The girls have lots of fun on their sleds!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas...On Boxing Day!

 We had Christmas today with The Murray's!  The kids had such a great time together, it was so great to see them play together!  We barely saw them all afternoon!


We did see them when it was time to decorate cookies though and they did such a good job!

Kelly and Donnie cooked a yummy dinner and we ate too much and then the kids got to open all of their goodies!

The girls got spoiled and loved their new gifts!  By the time we left, a storm that was supposed to come, DID.  Our drive home was a little slow and we got LOTS of snow!  We had a really good day and it was great to be able to catch up with everyone!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Maddie was in our room shortly after 7 am, SUPER excited!!  And then we had to try and get Daddy up...took awhile, it's a good thing she is very patient! 

 Santa left a little gift in the girls rooms under their trees, and he left one for Daddy and I on our dresser, that was really cool!  Miss Miaya was still sound asleep when Maddie and I went to get her!

Santa left the girl's hockey nets, sticks and lots of goodies!

We had such a nice relaxing day.  Our gift opening lasted until after 1 pm, we didn't eat Brunch until 12:30 pm, we were having too much fun!!


Everytime Miaya opened a gift she would shout "Lool what me got!!!"  She was priceless!  The girls got some remote control cars and everyone had a blast plying with them, especially Daddy!

  We were able to Skype with my sister and family.  It was great to see my nephew open up some of his gifts.  This time of year (especially) I miss our family that isn't close enough to see, so technology helps...Maddie spent a lot of her time playing with her new Ipod, she was one happy girl!  This Christmas Day was very low key in comparison to the last few years.  It is always great having company and it is always nice to have some time together as a family, we did just that today! 

We hope your Christmas Day was spent with those you love and that you made beautiful memories!

Monday, December 24, 2012


Merry Christmas Eve day!!!!  We started our morning with a Christmas Movie.  Then we baked some cookies for the kids to decorate at our family dinner on the 26th.  And then Daddy took the girls out for a few hours...they had lunch and did a few last minute things.  And Mommy stayed home with the music cranked and cleaned!! 

 The girls have been super excited all day!  Maddie helped Daddy wrap presents this afternoon while Miaya napped and then we ate dinner, while watching another Christmas movie, baked some fresh cookies for Santa..mmmm...

The girls took their reindeer food outside and spread it everywhere, on the front and back lawn!!!
Maddie left a letter for Santa...she's so sweet!!  We settled them both down and they are tucked in, hopefully with Sugar Plums dancing in their heads!  Maddie was beside herself and Miaya was wound for sound!!  We are all ready though and I'm not sure who's more excited...the "big" girl or the little ones...hee hee!!! 

Merry Christmas from our home to yours...May your home be filled with love and may you all be surrounded by those you love.  xo
...and to all a GOOD NIGHT!!!!