Tuesday, February 28, 2012


And I got to watch our little star's performance...(I would post the video but there are other kids in it, so you will just have to take my word for it!!)

Matching girls...

and beautiful as usual!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Funny Hat Day!

It is "Funny Hat Day" at school Wednesday, so Maddie made a funny hat!!  I helped her decorate it tonight.  I used the hot glue gun and gave a her the "talk" about safety with it and then burnt my damn finger...god it hurt!!  Better me then her I guess...

 She did a pretty good job!!

Cool Dudettes!

Dinner and then homework!

 For a treat tonight, we ate dinner in the living room and then Maddie did homework and Miaya coloured! I love these 2 little girls!

"Potty" Time!

 Miaya has been showing quite an interest in the potty lately and we have been encouraging it!  Today, after she peed in her diaper, she told me (in the way she can!) that she wanted to use it....So, she sat on it for quite some time, we read books and she ate her snack.  Although, she was unsuccessful today...soon enough she will use it and it will be exciting when she does!! She took a few breaks and ran around with her boots on, no diaper and no pants! 

Sunday, February 26, 2012


We wish you a very HAPPY day today!! 


ice cream sandwiches and Popsicle's!!  Maddie wasn't half as messy as her little chocolate faced sister!  Nana was here and gave little messy face a bath!



Is what this little girl is...Maddie had a sleepover at Nana's last night so Miaya and I went outside this morning and took in the sunshine.  It was cold but the sun was nice!!

Good Morning!!

Double fisting the yoghurt this morning...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Lego Family

Is now on display in the living room!  The girls and I used a lot of our Lego and made a family of "Robots"...they have puppies, kittens and some creature Miaya made! 

After school fun!

The good ole' weather man was calling for quite a storm today and we got it!  After we shovelled ourselves (and our neighbours) out, the girls played outside. 


Until the freezing rain started anyways...The girls did have fun though!  Miaya loves to play with her big sister and do everything she does!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Miaya and I watched baby Paige again today.  She was such a good helper and very gentle too!!


Isn't she??!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy 8th Brithday!!!

We hope you had a FABULOUS day today Buddy!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASON!!!!! xo


Tonight we were able to watch Maddie do her Highland Dancing!!

Maddie loves her Highland class...it is really upbeat and fast!  It is her 1st year doing Highland and she is learning lots of fancy footwork!

Monday, February 20, 2012

HaPpY (almost) BiRtHdAy!!

Our nephew's birthday is coming up so we celebrated tonight after our fun day outside!  We baked him a double decker chocolate cake...mmm....

 Everyone seemed to enjoy it...

Miaya and her "cheese" smile!
We all almost forgot to save room for our dessert after our BIG huge breakfast we had for dinner...that too was good!!!

Happy Family Day!!

We hope you all spent your Family Day doing something you enjoy with people you love...We did!

 My brother and clan came up and spent the afternoon skating and enjoying the fresh air!
 Uncle Pat played hockey with Miaya...

 And then Pat and I took the kids out 4 wheeling on the lake in the sled and the tube!!  I bet we will all sleep well tonight!!