Friday, October 31, 2014


 And we love when it happens on a FRIDAY!!!  WOO HOO!!!  We ate dinner quickly and then headed to go out with our cousins!!  We had a Wizard, a Ballerina Princess, a Werewolf and a girl from Monster high...

 We had to hit Auntie Kelly's house first...HA!!  And then we headed out in the rain for some candy. 

The kids all had fun but were pooped and soaked and cold...and were happy with their loot! (Maddie got more that she couldn't eat then stuff she could this year...poor girl;)  We changed in our jammies and the kids played for quite awhile while the adults visited.   HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Good Morning!

The girls leave pictures on their board sometimes in the morning before school and Miaya left me this one I love her!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

More fun and pumpkins!!

Papa wanted to take the girls to the Pumpkin Patch as well and carve pumpkins, so he picked them up at Gramma's today and did that!  The girls painted their own pumpkins and Papa carved out one too.  We then met up with them later, had dinner and went home.  The girls were pooped but had lots of fun!!  (I have to say this...the show we went to last night was PHENOMENAL!!  It was only my 2nd Cirque show and I love them!  Mark was quite impressed as well.  So, we had a great night out!!)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Maddie's Mud Run

 So proud of our girl!!!  Her 2nd annual Mud Run!  There are kids from over 30 schools and it is DIRTY!  Even my mud run has spots where you can stand and not sink...Weather was cool, windy but the rain came and went.  (Which is great because it poured last year!) 

 The view up here is lovely to look at too!  She had a blast!  By the time we got home, she was wiped!! 

I'm so fortunate that I got to go with her, volunteer and watch!!  Good job baby!!  xo

Busy Day for all!!

 I was taking Maddie to her Mud Run and Miaya was going on the bus all by herself for the 1st time!!!  And on her 1st school trip!!!!  (Which I was very sad to miss.  I can't be in 2 places at once and everything always has to happen at the same time!!)  So, (thank you!) Gramma picked Miaya up at school and I met them with Maddie. The girls had all their sleepover gear and were ready for some fun!!  They carved pumpkins (the one on the left was the one Miaya got at the pumpkin patch, which she seemed to enjoy!) and Gramma bought one for Maddie.  I headed down to meet my hubby for our date night!!  Busy, busy, busy!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

 The girls helped make some yummy pastry this morning for our butter tarts and pumpkin pie...mmmm...

 My brother, sister-in-law and nephews came over to enjoy a yummy turkey today.  The kids played outside while Daddy fried our bird outside.

 And Papa called too to say that one of our uncles from out of town was visiting and could they stop by for a visit.  So they did, our table grew from 8 people to 12.  Lots of fun, food and laughs!! 

We hope you all found time to say what you were thankful for today, Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A proud moment!!

for both of us...especially Daddy!  He was quite proud to watch our little Miaya drive the 4 wheeler all by herself, while her awesome big sister rode behind her and helped her when needed.  (When you watch the video, watch how Maddie grabs Miaya's head and turns it forward again!  It was so funny to watch because she did this more than once!!)

Busy day

 This weekend has been absolutely beautiful!!  It is warm, sunny and perfect for a long weekend!  Also great for getting all of our outside chores done!!  I started my day by baking 3 dozen cupcakes for a customer, hope she likes them!!  The girls were outside all day playing and driving around on the 4 wheeler!

I took Lilia home so she could have her Thanksgiving supper and our girlies kept right on riding until dark tonight!!  A great way to spend a Sunday and we have got so much stuff done!!  Very productive!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Long weekend!!

Yesterday was a PA day for the girls.  (Miaya only went to school Thursday and the puffers the Dr prescribed her have helped tremendously, so she is sleeping again...WOO HOO!!)  So the extra few days off will help her get better for sure!)  Maddie doesn't see her BFF much anymore because she changed schools this year. So they were stoked to have a few days to hang out!  We picked her up yesterday after lunch for a sleepover and she's going to stay for another night tonight!  The girls (Miaya included) had a great day and we all went to the movies tonight, also lots of fun!  Lilia is such a great kid, fits right in, always has.  We love having her!!