Saturday, February 28, 2015

Lessons are complete!

 And we are so proud of her for trying something new and sticking with it.  We loved watching her confidence and her smile...she truly enjoyed every lesson!!  And she was sad today was the end...until next year!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Sledding in the dark!

 We met up with friends who had organized a night of fun for the kids.  It was cold but they all had so much fun!!!!  Prizes for the kids and everything.  When our toes were numb, we headed to our friends to warm up with some beverages.  The kids cuddled up with a movie and the adults cuddled up to the fire and chatted!  A fun night!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


I got my vacuum back!!  It's truly the little things in life that excite me!!  (In the meantime, we bought a 2nd vacuum because I can't go without one, I'm very busy and use it more than once daily!)  But my new one isn't my favorite so I was excited today!!  And the girls had TONNES of fun with the large box full of bubble wrap!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ballerina in the making...


and she is too freaking adorable!!  She listens so well and is too cute to watch!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

What a good sport!!

 Daddy let the girls put colour chalk in his hair...he wasn't thrilled that I took pictures but whatever.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Daddy left some treats on the table for us this morning!  He got each of us a new board game and the girls thought that was pretty cool!!!  Nana came over after Maddie's snowboarding lesson to watch the girls so Daddy and I could go out to dinner and a movie.  (And because we are so romantic, we even stopped for some groceries too!!!  LOL!!!)  Hope you had a lovely day filled with the things you love!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Poor Kitty!!

 Ever since we bought this for Caramel, we have been waiting for his head to get stuck...nice eh??!  Well, it happened today!!  Miaya was home (again!) and we laughed...he got it off, don't worry!!

Monday, February 2, 2015


Even Daddy got sent home today...too much snow!!  We took advantage and spent the day outside together.  We had so much fun that by the time I remembered about Maddie's dance class, it was too late to get there!!  Oops!!! 

We hope you had a fabulous birthday today Uncle Pat!!!