Sunday, May 31, 2015

Heads up!!

 We pick the weirdest times to do some big projects!  About 1 o'clock this afternoon we decided to take down these 2 trees...



And by 8:30pm, it was all cut, split and cleaned up!!  Now our backyard is ready for the pool to go up and hopefully the sun will get to it a little more!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Look who got her license!!!!

 Daddy got both of the 4 wheelers going and Miaya has learned to drive on her own!!  She was having trouble with the brakes so handy Daddy made her a special handle and now she's a pro!!!

And Maddie had to stop for some stretching mid ride!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015


 To the very best Dad, husband and friend we could ever ask for!!!  We are truly the luckiest girls around!!  Daddy ate his yummy Steak dinner, had some cake and the girls helped him open his presents!

So glad he has home to spend his birthday with us!!  We love you to the moon and back Daddy!!! xoxo

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Park fun...

 while we waited for Mason's lacrosse game to start!  It is nice to be able to get to see some of my nephew's games!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Meet one of our many furry friends!!!!

 The short version of this story is...around 6:30 am this morning...I was at the neighbours watering their lawn/flowers and when I tried to get home, she was between me and my house.  I was a little frightened!  And when I got home, the girls and I watched from our deck as she looked for food.  And when she finally decided to leave, her and her 2 CUBS went on their way!!!  This is becoming a huge problem around here...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's FINALLY here!!

Today was a very big day for us but especially for our nephew, he was officially adopted and became a "legal" member of your family.  But as far as we were concerned, he was part of our craziness from the day he arrived.  Over 9 & 1/2 years ago!

We spent the day together.  Enjoyed a BBQ lunch, some cake and each other's company!  Pat, Brandy and Jacob...we are so very proud of you all!  You did something so very wonderful!  The years were long and certainly not easy for you but you've come a long way and it was all worth it! xoxox

Sunday, May 3, 2015

First roast of the season!!

 It was a beautiful day today, so we finished it off with a little fire and some marshmallows!!!  Summer is coming!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Visit with family!

Some of my family were visiting from out of town and we haven't been all together in so many years!  It was great to spend a few hours catching up and hearing all about their own, time really has flown by!