Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cooling off!!

 There is no better way to keep cool than hanging with friends in the water.  Friends of ours bought a cottage very close to us and we have been enjoying hanging out more this summer. 

 We have spent a lot of time together and made so many great memories!!  Summer is the best.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Nap time...

This little monkey has been busy that she fell asleep on the swing outside while drying off after a swim.  She NEVER naps...she was there for a few hours.  I had to wake her up bc the sun was starting to get her and it was HOT!!  Signs of a great summer

Saturday, July 25, 2015


 We love camping!  And we love our friends!!  So, we loaded up the trailer and headed there for the night! 

 The 4 kids had a blast...riding the 4-wheelers, swimming and playing.  It was so very hot....and they all had fun!

 Actually, we all did!!  A wonderful way to spend a summer weekend!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cousin Time!!!

 Zavhier and Kyanne stayed with us for a few days this week!  The kids had so much fun together!  I realized that I didn't take many pictures...they did everything they could though in the 3 days they were here!  So many memories were made!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hot tubbing...

 The girls were enjoying a hot tub today and we were sending Daddy pictures...his comment was "Next thing you'll know they will be drinking my beer too!"  So...I grabbed a couple empty bottles and took a picture!!  LOL!!!  Poor Daddy!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Braces and Swimming!!

 A very important day...and she is growing up too fast!  Braces...on a Sunday morning even.  She was such a trooper.  Took 2 1/2 hours and she was bored but no complaints! Maddie has been wanting them for a long time, I hope she likes them because she's got them for a couple of years!

And it was a beautiful HOT day, so we all spent the afternoon in the pool floating around, staying cool!!  Summer weekends are busy and fun and there is never enough of them!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

5 years!!!!

 We ask ourselves everyday where has the time gone...5 years with this little doll and she keeps us laughing!!  It was her BIG day today and she had a lot of fun!!  Had some family over for an afternoon of snacks, laughs and supper!





 She got lots of new pool toys and used every one of them today!  Her favourite is her new goggles and snorkel!  Our little fish was in the pool for over 6 hours and she had them on for at least 4 of those hours!  She had a wonderful day.  Thank you to those who made her day special by calling, sending a thoughtful card or being with us to help her celebrate.  Wonder what the next 5 will bring?!?!?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! (And Auntie Brandy!)

 Taking some silly selfies with my favourite people!!

 And then they took me for lunch.  We went to our friend's after lunch where we spent the rest of the day relaxing!  The girls swam all afternoon and I had a few birthday cocktails.  Our friend's daughter made me a beautiful cake too!!  Lucky girl I am!!

Miaya snuggled up and passed out on the way home but not Maddie...funny girl!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Pan Am Games!!

 With my 3 favourite people today and it was awesome!!!  It was hot but it was so much fun!!


 We saw the medal round of men's and women's diving and we had the privilege of watching 3 Canadians receive their medals! 

What a great memory!!  The girls loved the atmosphere!!  Awesome!!