Saturday, August 29, 2015

Playing in the mud!!!

My 3rd annual Mud Run!!  I love it!!!  These 2 wonderful ladies have been with me for the last 2 years!!  It's muddy and dirty and soooo much fun!!!

It's a wonderful feeling when you cross that finish line!!  Good job ladies!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What a week!!!

 So busy...and SO fun!!!  Woke up Tuesday am to find my Uncle and family camping right across from us!!  Came out from making lunch to find a sweet little girl talking to Mark...Maddie had met her last year while camping and she was back the same time we were there!!!  AND...Zavhier and Kyanne joined us Tuesday night for the week!!  Wow!!!  There were kids everywhere!! 


 It really doesn't get much better than this!  My nephew came and joined us a few times too.  The kids made so many memories!!!  Mark took the week off very last minute and I'm glad he did because he would have missed it all!

 The kids organized a scavenger hunt at the park, they are so smart!!  They all worked together and did a great job!!

This summer has been AWESOME!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Doesn't get much better than this!!

 My sister and fam spent the week with us and we had lots of fun!!  And then we were off for another week of camping!!  Our friends were in from out of town, so we all got together at the campground...took the boat and seadoo's out for the day, a beautiful day it was!!  The kids all had loads of fun swimming for the day.

This summer has been packed with fun and is going by too fast!!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Summer adventures!

We did lots of things this week...the kids played and swam and fished.  We boated and swam some more.  We had lots of people over to celebrate my nephews upcoming  birthday!  Action packed it has been!

Aren't these the cutest faces?!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

More company!!

We've had a busy week!!  I headed to a girlfriend's for a girl's night...her daughter came to hang out with maddie and when I got back today, we took the boat for a tour.  Dropped off Maddie's friend and headed to Papa's for dinner!  And to see my sister and family who are visiting for a few weeks!!!  Woo Hoo!!!

And of course, Miaya got a hold of the camera and took some close up shots for me!!  I love my family, so good to have them here!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

BBQ and visiting!

We packed up from our week away and made it to Gramma and Grandpa's in time for a BBQ with some cousins and their kids from out of town!!  It was great to catch up with everyone and see how all the kids have grown!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Fun Fun FUN!!!

Is so much fun especially when we spend it with cousins!  We all met up at Darien Lake for a few days and had lots of fun!


 Little Miss Miaya LOVES rides!  And it is so much fun to watch!  The kids had such a great week and so did the adults! 


We all enjoyed some rides!  We really did have a wonderful week!