That smile says "God I am so darn cute...they will never suspect me!!!!"
Thursday, November 18, 2010
4 Months!!!
Watching our little Miaya grow really is bitter want your kids to grow, change and do new things but it all happens too fast...they are babies for such a short time...isn't this the sweetest face??
Our "Chubba Bubba", which the dr gave me trouble for calling her...Now weighs 14lbs 2oz and is 25" long...The dr said she is perfect, long and! She had more needles yesterday and was a real trooper...barely a tear was shed! (She was too busy giggling and talking to cry!)
She has been rolling over for almost a month now and has quite a personality...Mark and I both think she may be the one that is going to keep us on our toes...time will tell!!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Let the celebrations begin...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bye Bye to our newborn...
So, it's official, our newborn little sweetheart is growing...and too fast!! She is now rolling over from her back to her belly and vise versa! So, the days of allowing her to lie on elevated surfaces unsupervised (yup...we all do it at some point!) are gone! It is definetly amazing how fast the last 3 months have gone, and how fast we forget the way things were even last month! Thank goodness for pictures and scrapbooks!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
3 Months today!!
Today I am 3 months old!! I can officially use all of my toys, including my Jolly Jumper!!! I can see the world in a whole new way now!! I love my Maddie so very much....she makes me laugh a lot!! Mommy and Daddy tell me that I am very nosey and always need to see what is going on! I also love being naked too!!! That makes me laugh! I am a very happy girl!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
2 Months Ago...
...we were blessed with a second beautiful daughter and Madalynn finally became a big sister!! A role of which she fit right into and well!! Our little princess now weighs 10lbs 12 1/2 oz, is 23 inches long and is just perfect!!!
She smiles, coos and is quite nosey. She laughed the other day and scared herself, too cute! She has definitely found her voice though and responds to all of our voices. She loves watching her big sister and I think she misses her when she goes to school. I am enjoying every day being home because I know now how fast the time flies...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
One Month Young!!
Don't you ever just wish you could stop time even just for a moment and remember all the little things...the things that truly matter...?? Well, we do...Our little Miaya is 1 month old today and we can't believe how fast it has flown by. She is 9 lbs 130z now and 22 inches long...She is such a good little baby, just starting to notice her surroundings and focus on faces. She smiles now at the sound of our voices which is the greatest know that you are loved unconditionally...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Big girl!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
11 days young...
Our little girl is doing well...We were at the doctor today and she weighs 9 pounds!!! We are all adjusting well. Madalynn is such a big helper, she has been so patient and so very sweet to her little sister.
Miaya is doing quite well, the last few days have been a little hard for our poor little sweetie though. She seems to be full of gas and that has made her very uncomfortable. Hopefully it doesn't last for long...the doctor mentioned the word colic today and we don't any of that!
Monday, July 19, 2010
And now we are FOUR!!!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Star bright...first star we saw that night...we wished we may...we wished we might...and we got that wish we wished that night...!!!
We are absolutely thrilled to introduce you to the newest member of our family...
Born on Sunday July 18th, 2010
at 12:15am in Lindsay
Born on Sunday July 18th, 2010
at 12:15am in Lindsay
She weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 21 1/4 inches!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
40 weeks...
Alright...for all of you that thought we wouldn't make it to the 40th were/are wrong!!! We are here and are hoping our sweet little baby will come and join the world soon.
Our doctor's appointment went well yesterday and if our baby doesn't venture into this world in the next week on their own, we will have to have to talk about induction. I would prefer to go naturally and we are hoping over the next few days we can be holding our new baby!!! So, all I can say is stay tuned!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Birthday Gift...
My Birthday...
Was wonderful...My morning started out with some flowers being delivered from my absolutely wonderful neighbours, they are beautiful:) They then took Maddie and I out for lunch after bringing me some very thoughtful gifts. After lunch we headed back to their place where we had a cake that they bought for me...They really made my day wonderful! I made a steak dinner and during our dinner the dog started going CRAZY!!! Barking, growling and carrying on...we were yelling at her to stop because we just assumed it was my Mom, who was stopping by...I looked out the front window to find a BIG BLACK GORILLA with balloons and a bunch of banana's at my door...Mark had to pick the dog up and go and hide her in the bedroom...this thing wouldn't speak to me...just kept hugging me, actually creeped me out a little...He left and then we figured out who it was...
A very long time family friend, whom means the world to me and my family...He is always pulling pranks like this but I wouldn't have guessed in a million years who it was...They had come out with my Mom to wish me a Happy Birthday...and it worked!!!
Even though he was sweating hot in this suit, he put it back on for some pictures. (I was too weirded out the first time to take any!!!) Maddie thought it was so funny...They also brought me some pretty flowers!! My last few birthdays haven't been so great because I always end up sick...this year definitely made up for that:))
So, thank you to all who made my day a great one!! I got lots of phone calls and e-mails too!! I truly did have a great day!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Birthday Dinner...
Yup...still hanging in... for those of you who are wondering...NO...there is no baby yet! And for those of you whom have had the pleasure of being a "Lady in Waiting", one of the worst questions you can ask is "Are you still pregnant??!!" What do you think the answer is going to be??!!!
From day one, months ago now, almost everyone said that we would go early and I would never go the full 40 weeks...well, WRONG!!! I think that I let myself believe everyone and now I have made myself anxious and very impatient...that will teach me for listening to other's!!!
So...we will let you know as soon as we know!!!
From day one, months ago now, almost everyone said that we would go early and I would never go the full 40 weeks...well, WRONG!!! I think that I let myself believe everyone and now I have made myself anxious and very impatient...that will teach me for listening to other's!!!
So...we will let you know as soon as we know!!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
39 weeks...
Wow...almost time...1 more week to go and we will be FOUR!!!! We are so very excited and ready...Maddie asks every day when the baby is coming?!! I wish I knew what I tell her!!
I am feeling great but I won't lie...this heat is toooooo much for this Big Momma!!! It makes me a little grumpy:)) I keep myself going by saying it will only be 2 weeks maximum!!! Our doctor's appointment went well yesterday and I made one more for next week but we are hoping I won't need to use...We would love our little baby to come NOW!!!! So, if you could all pray and do a dance for us we would really appreciate it!!!
Ready...Set...COME ON!!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
38 weeks...
Nothing new to report this week...we had our doctor's appointment yesterday and everything seems to remain the same...My weight hasn't changed in over a month and my belly didn't grow this week...I am unable to sleep at night now, which happens to every expectant Mom and the Braxton Hicks contractions seem to always be here...which you learn to live with after a few weeks...When we think about it all, in only a few short weeks we will be holding our newest addition to our family, which is very exciting:))))))
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