Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Birthday...

Was wonderful...My morning started out with some flowers being delivered from my absolutely wonderful neighbours, they are beautiful:) They then took Maddie and I out for lunch after bringing me some very thoughtful gifts. After lunch we headed back to their place where we had a cake that they bought for me...They really made my day wonderful! I made a steak dinner and during our dinner the dog started going CRAZY!!! Barking, growling and carrying on...we were yelling at her to stop because we just assumed it was my Mom, who was stopping by...I looked out the front window to find a BIG BLACK GORILLA with balloons and a bunch of banana's at my door...Mark had to pick the dog up and go and hide her in the bedroom...this thing wouldn't speak to me...just kept hugging me, actually creeped me out a little...He left and then we figured out who it was... A very long time family friend, whom means the world to me and my family...He is always pulling pranks like this but I wouldn't have guessed in a million years who it was...They had come out with my Mom to wish me a Happy Birthday...and it worked!!!

Even though he was sweating hot in this suit, he put it back on for some pictures. (I was too weirded out the first time to take any!!!) Maddie thought it was so funny...They also brought me some pretty flowers!! My last few birthdays haven't been so great because I always end up sick...this year definitely made up for that:))

In all the excitement I hadn't had time to open up my other gifts...I got more goodies including some money and a spa gift certificate. And my wonderful husband gave me the most precious necklace...I should take a pic and show you, never thought of that...huh...I will do that...
So, thank you to all who made my day a great one!! I got lots of phone calls and e-mails too!! I truly did have a great day!!

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