Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holey Socks!

A rule in our house that we have implemented is that if you have holes in your socks, they go in the garbage...well, if Daddy is home they go in the fireplace!! So, beware because this rule also applies to guests!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello Sunshine!!

Another gorgeous winter day on the lake...we got the kids to shovel (aka a little bit of child labour!) so they could skate! Miaya was getting a ride in her sleigh and

then she fell asleep. The kids skated and played...

And then the big boys went 4 wheeling before they came home and cooked us a very yummy steak dinner. Another wonderful day with my family and friends.

Friday, January 28, 2011


" are a such a wonderful big sister and were such a great helper while we were away and because you are ALWAYS such a good girl" That's what I told her when I took Madalynn for dinner tonight, just her and I! She was very excited...she picked the restaurant and we had Strawberry Daquiris and coloured...She was quite possibly the best date I have ever had! Another reason I love everyday:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mmm, Mmm, Good!!!!

And she's thinking..."It's about time Mama!!!" Our little Miaya tried some cereal this morning and didn't seem to mind it!

I videotaped it this morning for Daddy and Maddie and then we tried some more tonight when Maddie was home. She helped and I taped some more for Daddy! I think as she gets used to it she will enjoy pretty much whatever we give her!!

And, Maddie said it tasted like rotten potatoes...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6 Months (and 1 week!)

Our little Miss Miaya had her 6 month checkup today and she weighs 16 lbs 2 1/2 oz and is 27" long!! In 2 months, she has grown 2 inches and 2 lbs...She is doing very well and she had 2 more needles today and handled herself like a pro!!! The big question of the day was can we PLEASE feed her now??!!! We feel she has been ready for a while and yup, whatever she wants, we can give her!!

Tuesdays are busy nights so while I was making dinner for Maddie and I, Miaya had her 1st Mum Mum...(just a rice cookie) and she ate it right up...Maddie had some too and she would like to try all of Miaya's baby food when Miaya does! (We shall see how the prunes go over...HA!!!) We are still very unsure where the last 6 months have gone...

Monday, January 24, 2011


I swear we have the best dog ever...what other puppy would allow you to do this to them??!!!! Maddie woke up this morning and she asked if she could stay home...well, of course she did and I think it is pretty awesome she wanted to stay and hang out with her Mom! She told me she missed me a lot and just wanted to be with Miaya and I. I am going to cherish these days because in a few years, she may not want to be in the same room with me!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Looking back...

We have so much to be thankful for, one of them being where we live. When we can see how others live, it makes us appreciate where we come from and what we have. This trip was about so many things. The 4 of us had been talking about doing this for over 2 years and it has come and gone...just like that. We had an absolutely amazing time with each other, the 4 of us and it was so nice to be able to reconnect as husband and wife. Some may call it selfish however we feel it is important to take time for each other. It truly does make us better parents.

It is so hard to believe that just a few days ago we were sipping beverages, applying 70 spf sunscreen and trying to stay cool. Now, we are home and it is -34 degrees and we have to layer to stay warm!! Amazing how just a few hour plane ride can take you to the opposite side of the world. Taking a break from reality was so relaxing and something we all needed but home really is where our hearts are and we missed it.
Sandra, we will be forever grateful for what you and Michael and the boys did for us. Thank you seems like 2 small words but they mean so much more than that.