Sunday, January 23, 2011

Looking back...

We have so much to be thankful for, one of them being where we live. When we can see how others live, it makes us appreciate where we come from and what we have. This trip was about so many things. The 4 of us had been talking about doing this for over 2 years and it has come and gone...just like that. We had an absolutely amazing time with each other, the 4 of us and it was so nice to be able to reconnect as husband and wife. Some may call it selfish however we feel it is important to take time for each other. It truly does make us better parents.

It is so hard to believe that just a few days ago we were sipping beverages, applying 70 spf sunscreen and trying to stay cool. Now, we are home and it is -34 degrees and we have to layer to stay warm!! Amazing how just a few hour plane ride can take you to the opposite side of the world. Taking a break from reality was so relaxing and something we all needed but home really is where our hearts are and we missed it.
Sandra, we will be forever grateful for what you and Michael and the boys did for us. Thank you seems like 2 small words but they mean so much more than that.

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