Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bring on more teeth please...

Mommy, when am I going to get more teeth????

I wanna play too...

Maddie was outside today and Miaya stood in the window for almost 20 minutes yelling at her sister trying to get here was so darn cute, waving and yelling...of course, I wasn't quick enough with my camera, but I saw it and it was adorable!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Our Madalynn is just that...


She keeps us smiling everyday!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


So, after a big day of shopping, we finally made it home with Maddie's new bed!!! She was SO super excited to get it all together, so her and Daddy got to work...

I made some Strawberry Daiquiri's for the special occasion and Daddy's supervisor took a break...

Record breaking time and the bed was all together...dresser and night table is on order and we shall have it in a few weeks...

She tried it out and thought it was pretty cool, a little higher than her old one but nothing a stool won't help with!

And within minutes she was in dreamland comfy on her new bed and cozy mattress!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


... is very important to us. We have done our best teaching Madalynn the importance of this awesome character trait and today it paid off!

When I opened her agenda last night there was a note from her teacher saying she was receiving this fantastic award today during the monthly assembly. We were soooo super excited for her and that I was going to be able to be there to see her receive her award! The look on her face when I walked into the gym was priceless and she had a look on her face like "Why are here??!!!" Well, I had my camera in hand and tears in my eyes (yup, I am a huge sap!!) and she was just thrilled!!! We are so very proud of our sweet girl...and how lucky do I feel that I was able to be there to see her win it...these are truly the most important days of all our lives...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So lucky...

Our baby sound asleep on her pretend a bed...she is such a wonderful little girl. When the buyers of her bed came to pick it up tonight she was very sad, poor girl:( She had tears until I told her that the lady was buying the bed for her granddaughter who was just turning 6 and who's favorite colour was purple! I told her she was doing such a wonderful thing by giving that little girl a great birthday! We can't wait to set up her new furniture, she TOTALLY deserves it...and we are truly blessed...

Out with the old...

So, we have finally purchased a new bed for Madalynn...

It is not scheduled to arrive until this week but she is excited! I posted an ad just this morning to sell the old set and a lady is coming to pick it up tonight!! That was faster than I thought it would sell..., until the new one arrives she is going to be resting comfortably on an air mattress, she thinks that is so cool!!!
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the new purchase, it is greatly appreciated!! Stay tuned for pictures of the new one!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friends are the BEST!

When Maddie mentioned to "Gramma" Shirley that she wanted to go to Chucke Cheese...

"Gramma" Shirley said "Let's Go!!" So, we picked up Lilia and away we went...

I am really not sure who had more fun, it is really still up for debate!

Then it was back here for some make-up...

Which looked SUPER pretty...don't you agree??!!!

And no day is complete without a 4 wheeler ride with Daddy...and again, not sure who had more fun...they were gone for over an hour!!! Friends really do make days much more fun!!!

8 Months now!

Our sweet little baby is already 8 months old...where does the time go?? I don't care really...I just wish it would slow down... Enjoying some snacks this morning, she prefers to feed herself, which is we have 2 independent girls...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today we are sending BIG wishes to our youngest nephew Nathan!! It is so hard to believe that you are already a whole year old buddy!!! Enjoy your very special day and eat lots of "Happy" cake!!! Auntie Julie, Uncle Mark, Maddie and Miaya are sending lots of love to you on your BIG day today!!! Much love...xoxoxo

I'm hungry

I had a little helper today while I was cleaning out the cupboards...

She would have eaten one of everything if I had let can see we starve her right??!!

Nothing's free around here...

Yup, you are seeing things right folks...everyone pitches in here! (I am not a slave driver though, well I am, but our Maddie always wants to help!)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lunch time!!!!

Maddie wanted to make her own mini pizza's today so Miaya watched while she snacked on a cookie...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Look at this face!!

We really do make beautiful babies...we are so very lucky! We have had an extremely busy week and both of our beauties have been such great little troopers! This little trooper has her 1st ear infection too, not in just one ear either...both!!! We are all looking forward to some R & R!!