Thursday, March 24, 2011


... is very important to us. We have done our best teaching Madalynn the importance of this awesome character trait and today it paid off!

When I opened her agenda last night there was a note from her teacher saying she was receiving this fantastic award today during the monthly assembly. We were soooo super excited for her and that I was going to be able to be there to see her receive her award! The look on her face when I walked into the gym was priceless and she had a look on her face like "Why are here??!!!" Well, I had my camera in hand and tears in my eyes (yup, I am a huge sap!!) and she was just thrilled!!! We are so very proud of our sweet girl...and how lucky do I feel that I was able to be there to see her win it...these are truly the most important days of all our lives...

1 comment:

  1. Yay Maddie!!! We are so proud of you!
    Uncle Michael, Auntie Sandra, Baby Chase & Nate Guy xo
