Thursday, February 28, 2013

Good Bye February!!!

The last day of February and it was a beautiful one!!!  Winter is so much more fun when there is snow!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow day!!!

After arriving home safe and sound...we got to spend the day with our 2 lovely ladies!!  And we had a great time doing so!!  They loved their new goodies we brought them and told us all about their week!!

Our week in the sun...

Almost 13 years later, almost 10 years of marriage, 2 kids, a few houses, a few jobs and everything else life throws our we are, right where we want to be, together!  Not every day is a slice but who's is?  We still look forward to sometime away together as a couple and we had a wonderfully relaxing week!

 The weather was AWESOME!!!  It rained as the plane was landing, stopped by the time we were outside and didn't rain again until 10 mins after boarding the bus to come home!!  Sweet!!!!  The resort was huge, too big for our liking but it was beautiful. 

We don't have any major could we, we were in paradise!!!  We relaxed everyday, met some lovely people and got a great tan!!

 OK, ONE complaint...we were going on a snorkeling tour...and our water camera BROKE!!!  Oh can imagine what my thoughts were about that!!!!!  S_ _ T!!!!  It video taped randomly and took a few pictures but we went in an underwater freshwater cave...SO COOL and I got nothing!  Memories just aren't the same in this situation, it was an amazing day and we missed some awesome shots...What do you do right?!  Our guides were great and the people in our small group were so wonderful , we had a great day!
 We really look forward to our every few year getaways together, it's nice to regroup and relax.  The girls were well taken care of and both had great weeks too!  We sure did miss them and it was so nice to see their smiley faces when we arrived after 7 am (right before Nana had to go to work...great timing.  Our flight was delayed due to mechanical issues and then the weather was awful when we landed.  We were one of the last planes to be able to land before over 160 flights were cancelled!!!)  So, Maddie was home with us because of a snow day so that was great!  We were pooped but we had a nice quiet day together, with extra snuggles and lots of stories!  Of course, we have a few special people in our life to say "Thank you" to because without them, this trip wouldn't have happened...You know who you are!! xo  Although our week in paradise raced by, I can't wait to do it again!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Buddy!!!

We are sending BIG birthday wishes out today to our nephew!!!!  We hope you have a SUPER fun day!!!  Lots of love!! xoxoxo

Monday, February 18, 2013

Family Day!

It was so nice to be able to just hang out and play today!  We've been so consumed with the house lately we haven't had a lot of time for many other things.  The girls helped me bake this morning as well as prepare a few meals for them while we are away.  We watched a movie while we ate lunch and then headed outside for some fun!!!


 The girls love outside and there is a tonne of snow to play in!!  We had a fun relaxing day together! 

After we got the girls to bed, we finally packed ourselves up...we are heading on a trip tomorrow, just the 2 of us...after the busy year we have had with Mark's schedule and stuff, we are looking forward to it.  We will miss the girls very much but they are in incredibly capable hands and will have lots of fun!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pedicures and updates...

The girls got the royal treatment this morning...foot massages, pedicures and manicures!!!  All well watching Madagascar 3...

And tonight, when I went to sit down to have my own foot soak/pedicure, I thought I best take a few pictures to show you all what we have worked so hard at completing this week...

 The painting is all done and Mark got some new lights hung as well...don't be too critical yet, there is still many things to do.  Like the ceiling in the living room, the floor and all the trim but we feel pretty damn good about how much we have got done since last Sunday!

Maddie's room also has a new look, curtains are being made and the trim isn't up yet but she LOVES it!!!

We love it so far!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

 For those of you who "celebrate" this over priced holiday...Yup, I'm not really into Valentines Day, I would much rather get flowers on a random day because I deserve them and not pay 3 times the price for them!!  HA HA!!!  But...Daddy does spoil his beauties and they loved their rainbow roses he gave them.  They also got a few other goodies!! 

And after school, Maddie let me help her go through her brown decorated bag of Valentine's she received from her classmates and friends...I do miss that part of today...I LOVED my brown bag of cards!!!  Happy Heart day to all of you who LOVE today!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Renovation Update!

Today was sanding day!!  The past few weeks have gone by very fast...they have been dusty, messy and disorganized but we have come a long way.  This has been a group effort and we have all done a wonderful job!!!  We used 8 large buckets and 2 small of drywall putty (one bucket is missing!) over 33 sheets of drywall and a whole lot of muscle.

 Uncle Bud, Grandpa George, Daddy and I sanded today while the girls hid outside and downstairs with Nana.  It was a HUGE mess and if you know me, you know I HATE messes!!!  We were so glad that we did all the sanding in one day though, made it easier in the end...Over 5 gallons of dust is what I sucked up by the end of the day...gross!!!

 However, it will look awesome when we are done and we are so excited to get some colour on the walls!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Everyone loves cake!!

Miaya put the finishing touches on Maddie's cake and Maddie loved it!!!!

They each got to blow out a candle too!!  Maddie's 1st day back was good she said...she's still a little dizzy at times but MUCH better since last week...which is such a relief!!

A very sick little girl...

After complaining before dinner last Saturday night that she wasn't feeling well about an hour later it started...Kids should not have to get sick!!  Oh My God, poor Maddie, she is such a tough little girl.  Vomiting continued until Tuesday when I took her to the ER.  She gave blood and had an ex ray for the 1st time and she is such a champ!!!!  I was so proud of her!!!  After a trip to a pediatrician, the vomiting finally stopped...She had lost 8 pounds by Wednesday and could not eat a thing...only water and ice chips, which didn't stay down for long either.  This virus took her out for more than 5 days, she had her first meal again 1 week later!   She didn't miss too much school, the 1st two days were snow days and there was a PA day in there too so she only missed 2 days.  She was excited to get back this morning though and I hope her 1st day back was great!!!!

Glad you're feeling better cake!!!

Miaya and I made Maddie a cake for when she comes home from school today!!  Because we are so happy that's she's feeling better!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hello February!!

With Maddie starting to feel a little better and wanting to do something fun, the girls decided to paint!  Something they both love to do!!  And it was so awesome to have our Maddie back to almost herself.  She's been able to eat some toast and although she's still not 100%, she's getting there!!