Monday, February 4, 2013

A very sick little girl...

After complaining before dinner last Saturday night that she wasn't feeling well about an hour later it started...Kids should not have to get sick!!  Oh My God, poor Maddie, she is such a tough little girl.  Vomiting continued until Tuesday when I took her to the ER.  She gave blood and had an ex ray for the 1st time and she is such a champ!!!!  I was so proud of her!!!  After a trip to a pediatrician, the vomiting finally stopped...She had lost 8 pounds by Wednesday and could not eat a thing...only water and ice chips, which didn't stay down for long either.  This virus took her out for more than 5 days, she had her first meal again 1 week later!   She didn't miss too much school, the 1st two days were snow days and there was a PA day in there too so she only missed 2 days.  She was excited to get back this morning though and I hope her 1st day back was great!!!!

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