Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mud Hero 2014!!!!

 I was looking so forward to today, ever since I booked it back in November!!!  My long time friend joined in this year as well as my sister in law!!  There was another group of girls there too, it was AWESOME!!  Cooler today than last year, like COLD and the mud was cold but who cares!!!


I didn't take as many shots as last time but you get the idea.  My camera was so mucky.  We had some good laughs, cheered each other on and worked together!


I am so proud of all of us!  We ran the 6 km, did the 18 obstacles and wanted to do more at the end!  Just a GREAT day!!

Time to buy a new pair of shoes!!  WOO HOO!!  Gotta love a brand new pair of running shoes!!!

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