Monday, June 29, 2015

Science and paint!

Miaya painted some of her new crafts she got for her birthday and Maddie was experimenting with science...Lovely...!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The fun never ends!

 Our company had to leave today so we grabbed a couple of pictures of all of the grand kids before they departed!  Aren't they cute?!??!

Zavhier and Kyanne stayed and the 4 of them played for a few more hours...they always have fun together!  And it isn't very often that all of the Murray cousins are together, so I'd say they all had a great day!!  A great start to our summer holidays!!!!

Miaya's 1st school friend birthday party!!!!

 What a very special day it was for our almost 5 year old!!!  She had 4 of her little school friends over and 4 of her cousins were here too!!!  Maddie and Kyanne took over the games and loved being in charge, ha!!  (I did offer Maddie some $ to help...the kids love her and know her from school!)


 The kids sat for some snacks and then had some fun with a Pinata!!!


 We all sang Happy Birthday and had some cupcakes!!

And of course there was some gifts to open!  The weather held off which was great because they were calling for a tonne of rain!!  We were going to have some water games but it was too cool!  They had lots of fun and it turned out great!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Boat rides and sunshine!

 Uncle Michael arrived late last night, so after Mark did some things around the house he took everyone for a boat ride!  They said the kids had a great time on the tube and they got to see a water plane take off. 

 Miaya had a little nap which was good because she was sick in the middle of the night last night so she needs some rest. 

I stayed home to get a few things done for Miaya's first little "friend" birthday party tomorrow!!! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015


 I have no idea where the last 10 months has gone...wherever it went, it went fast!! We are so proud of our sweet little ladies.  They make us proud every day!

 We all met them as they got off their bus for the last time until September!! 

 I made dinner for the kids, a special last day of school request!  And the rain stopped, so were able to have a fire and roast some marshmallows!

It sure is fun hanging with the 4 kids for the week!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fun, Fun, FUN!!!!

 Daddy was off today, so he got to join in the fun!  He gave the boys the 4 wheeling tutorial and they were off like rockets!  Miaya went to school today because she didn't want to miss her end of year party! Maddie got to hang out with her cousins.

 And then they all got to ride on the Sea-Doo!  It was a beautiful day for it!

 And both dogs enjoyed the water too!

We all headed to pick up Miaya from the bus and the kids enjoyed some dinner on the deck!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Maddie's Play!!

Maddie's group at school presented their play today so we got to watch them!  And because her cousins and Auntie arrived last night, they got to see it too!!