Saturday, June 27, 2015

Miaya's 1st school friend birthday party!!!!

 What a very special day it was for our almost 5 year old!!!  She had 4 of her little school friends over and 4 of her cousins were here too!!!  Maddie and Kyanne took over the games and loved being in charge, ha!!  (I did offer Maddie some $ to help...the kids love her and know her from school!)


 The kids sat for some snacks and then had some fun with a Pinata!!!


 We all sang Happy Birthday and had some cupcakes!!

And of course there was some gifts to open!  The weather held off which was great because they were calling for a tonne of rain!!  We were going to have some water games but it was too cool!  They had lots of fun and it turned out great!!

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