Wednesday, June 9, 2010

35 weeks!!!

So, we are 35 weeks and with only 5 more to go (ish!!) we are getting all of the last minute stuff out of the way!! (Remember my picture taker is 5 so the first one is on a bit of an angle!!) Maddie and I have been busy making sure the baby has clean blankets, toys, clothes etc. for when he/she arrives!! I have our bags packed and ready to go...I think we are all set!!

My appointment with the doctor went well yesterday and he just reminded me of what to do when something happens...he told me to get there as quick as possible because he feels things will happen faster this time! The baby is in position and my belly is still growing well!! I put 3lbs on since my last appointment 3 weeks ago...He was very happy with everything!! I now go and see him every week...the time is flying by and before we know it we will (finally!!!) get to meet our new little bundle of baby!!! Maddie asks me almost every day when the baby is coming...not long now!!

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