Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sleepover at Nana's!

My hubby and I had plans last night so we asked Nana if she would hang out with the girls!  With Miaya not well at all, we weren't sure we should go but we were only 10 minutes away, so we decided to go anyways.  Turns out, she was perfect and didn't give Nana any trouble!  We stayed overnight too, so I was there to get up with her when she woke up very early...did I mention how much I hate teething?!?!

Maddie brought her doll head, so Nana braided it for her and then I helped her straighten her hair.  Miaya played with Nana's musical things and loved them!  When Daddy woke up, we had something to eat and headed home!  Thanks Nana!!

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