Sunday, January 1, 2012

What??!!! No power...

We woke up this morning to no went out before 5am.  So, the huge breakfast we had planned had to be cooked on the BBQ.  We had a huge was very yummy!! 
We went to the lake to check out our rink but the weather was less than cooperative overnight.  It rained and the wind picked up quite a bit which brought all the heavy snow off the trees...quite a mess.  So, hopefully we can keep the rink up and skate another day!!
Pat, Bran and the kids left just as the rain started.  We had to stay out and clean all the snow that had fallen off the roof and we wanted to get the driveway cleared of the ice before it re-froze.  We were soaked but got lots accomplished.  We had a helper too, so that was nice!!  We got power back in the afternoon, so we were able to get inside and get back to normal.

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