Saturday, March 17, 2012

Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo....

I took the girls (and Maddie's friend!) to the Toronto Zoo today!!  We gave the girls new DVD players for Christmas and we used them for the 1st time today...they worked fabulous and Miaya thought it was great!  Maddie and Abby were super excited to go and they had a blast!  The weather could have been a little nicer as it was drizzly, damp and cool but we ignored that and had fun!! 

 They (and ME) were excited to see the Baby Polar Bear...he was born Oct 11 and weighs more than Maddie does now!  Cute!!

And Miaya found a puddle to jump in....

 The girls were a little chilly so they wrapped in a blanket to keep warm...we saw Penguins, Lions, Tigers, Cheetah's, Fish, Snakes...LOTS of animals.  Some were still not out due to the weather but we can go back in the summer and see all of them....

Miaya fell asleep...she was tired and walked lots!

We ended the day at the Carousel and Miaya was not happy when it stopped...she would have stayed on there all afternoon!!  We had a fabulous day together!!!

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