Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We made it!!!

The girls both did SUPER on the plane!!!  (I was secretly praying it would all go smoothly...)  I was proud of both of them for being so patient and sitting so still, 4 hours is a long time for kids (and adults!) of any age to sit still...Auntie Kim and Declan picked us up and we were to their place quickly.  The girls got comfy, we were all quite sleepy.  Look at my sweet nephew, his eyes are going to break someones heart one day...

After just a couple hours of being here, I told the girls I had to run to the "grocery store"...code word for "airport to pick up Daddy".  Maddie didn't know he was coming so it was going to be a surprise!  Miaya came with me, my little cling-on and fell asleep on the way back.  We are looking forward to enjoying some time together, relaxing and seeing some sites.  Our hosts have been very gracious to keep all of us!

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