Monday, April 30, 2012

Family game!

Baseball is fun!!  We all played, even Jersey...she's a good back catcher;)  Maddie also had time to ride her 4-wheeler too!!  Lots of fun and so nice having family time...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Getting dirty!

Nana is SOOOOO awesome...she took the girls for a sleepover tonight so we could have a night together, just the 2 of's been quite a long time that we were able to just hang out!

 We decided to got 4-wheeling before it got dark.  It was so much fun!  We saw some deer and a fox and sat and chatted at a beautiful point that overlooked the lake!

Oh see the picture of Mark's dirty face...I DID THAT!!  And I was so very proud of myself, he says if he had better tires I would be covered with mud too.  Sure...whatever dear...!  I think we will head out again in the morning before we pick the girls up!

Mama Bear

lives here and has been spotted just up the road.  She has 3 cubs which we haven't seen yet but I managed to get a few shots of Mama tonight...

Jump time!

We were able to get the trampoline up today too!! 

Family Fun!

Maddie spent all of last night riding her 4-wheeler around and for over 4 hours today!  She LOVES it and is doing so well...She is getting more brave too, which we had to talk to her about...hee hee...Anyways, we all were out riding together and it was so much fun.  (Don't tell my hubby but I'd be OK if he bought  himself a new one so I could have his;)  And we love having Daddy home, we miss him!


Friday, April 27, 2012


Daddy got a new doo while he was trying to nap today...

Moving up...

 First off, DADDY'S HOME!!  (Just for a visit, but we will take it!)  And we got ourselves new phones today and took some pics while playing with them...Our girls are always willing to pose for cheesy shots!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chatty Kathy...

Miaya LOVES to talk on the anyone...anytime...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Not over...

I am not sure why people get so excited for spring...there is always at least 1 more snowfall...It snowed all day, just the wet stuff and it was cold!  We were in desperate need of some rain so I guess this helped...waiting for Spring though!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Baking with my Miaya

With the weather being less than cooperative this week, we have been spending more time than usual inside. we baked!!  And played in the sink!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Funday

The girls and I were outside all day today.  Sun was nice and warm but it was windy and only 9 degrees.  We enjoyed lunch outside and lots of playtime!  We sure do miss having Daddy around though...weekends are definitely not the same.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A glimpse into the future...

I have a feeling this is what it will look like in another 6 years when Maddie is talking on the phone to her friends.  Tonight, she was enjoying a great conversation with her Daddy, she hasn't been able to talk to him for many days.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Papa!

Today is my Dad's birthday...1 year away from another BIG one!!  We hope you have a fabulous day!!  xo

Playtime and Porcupines

Nana came for a visit tonight!  After we got the girls tucked in...

Jersey chased a BIG porcupine up a tree...Nana had to hold her back while I got close enough for a picture.  And then, Jersey had to go into the house to stay safe.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dominoe Castle

Maddie worked super hard on it!

Boo Boo's

happen when Miaya runs super fast down the gravel road!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Helped me today...and as usual, I am grateful!  I took Maddie to a birthday party, a 4 hour long party...and then Nana brought her home for me and in return, I had dinner ready for her!  She helped with baths and bedtime, which is always a big help!! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gramma and Grandpa!

are home after their long winter get away!  I had to attend a funeral today, so our wonderful neighbours, whom from now on will just be called Grandpa George and Gramma Shirley stayed with the girls and then Gramma and Grandpa, took over!  I brought dinner home with me and we all enjoyed a visit together.  Gramma is such a good sport...Maddie was the stylist...and then Gramma had a turn!

And then I took pictures!  They brought the girls some goodies, which was super sweet of them! 

Spring is in the Air!

We took this for Daddy, whom we miss terribly.  Unfortunately, where he is, they are still surrounded by Winter!  He is still getting snow and -20 degree days/nights...When you come home to visit, I hope the weather will be beautiful here so you can warm up...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Eye spy with my little eye...

2 very sweet girls whom both make me laugh!  Maddie was pulling her Ellie around today while Miaya searched for herself with the Bug magnifying glass!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The best of friends!

Took very good care of Jersey while we were away.  We wanted to thank you all very much.  The girls missed her and she is happy to be home but she misses you guys too...she told me so:) xo  (and this same awesome friend did a few other things for me and I appreciate them are truly amazing!!)