Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Home sweet home

is always a great place to be. It sure is quiet though...kids are tucked in and there are no adults to talk to.  That was a great part of being away, I always had Kim and Mark to talk too...And today, I had to say Good-Bye to both of them, that stinks.  I must have looked like a train wreck walking through security this morning...Kim, we had so much fun, you were a wonderful tour guide!  The girls got to see so many things, what an experience!  We loved waking up everyday to Declan's smiley face (your face was lovely too Kim but he is too cute!)  We know having 4 extra people is a lot and we truly appreciate everything you did for us!  So, until we see you again, we will miss you all!!  Please tell Declan not to grow too much from now 'til then!  Lots of love to you...xo

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