Monday, April 2, 2012

New toy!!

The girls and I were on a mission go and pick up a new toy for Declan, on Nana's behalf for Easter.  So, that is what the 3 kids and I did while Daddy had a nap (because we went to bed so early last night)...and Auntie Kim did some work.  (Even though when we got home I caught her reading the back of her eye lids too!!!)  Looks like I am the trooper...Declan's new toy is a ride-on, a push/walker and is super fun!!!  I think we did a good job Nana!

After Miaya's nap, we headed to visit some friends at their place for dinner!  We hadn't seen them in 5 years and we had a great time catching up and meeting their son!  And yup...we were sleepy due to less sleep than we should have had but it was worth it!

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