Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Birthday to our BIG 8 Year old!!!!

Today, our little girl is turning 8, which means she is growing up WAY too fast.  It was a P.A. Day at school too, so she got to hang out at home!!  She opened a gift while I made her some yummy Cinnamon rolls...mmmm!!  We ate Breakfast together and opened more gifts!


She was so good to let her little sister help too!

 She was STOKED for her party which was starting at 4pm.  She had 4 girlfriends coming over to decorate cookies (over 6 dozen were decorated!), we ate dinner, sang "Happy Birthday", ate some cake, the girls played by themselves for most of the night.  Besides the noise at times, we barely noticed they were here!  They were so good!!!

We set up shop in the Dining room because there is lots of space and the girls got all snuggled in...They didn't sleep much but they were good and they all had a great time!!!  Maddie had such a blast!!  We cannot believe how fast the years have flown by, we love our BIG 8 year old with all of our hearts!!!

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