Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Beginnings!

 Gramma and Grandpa are getting ready to move into their new house, so we helped them today!  Uncle Donnie, Grandpa and Grandpa's friend were busy building a new shed out back and the roof was getting replaced too, it was a busy day. 

The girls hung out at the new place with Gramma while I made trips back and forth filling the truck as full as I could get it every time!  We all worked very hard, it was quite a productive day.  And we were all starving, so I grabbed McDonald's for the kids and Uncle Donnie and Auntie Kelly grabbed dinner for the adults and we headed back to the house where we could sit and eat.  A bittersweet week I am sure for Gramma and Grandpa as they are selling their family home where their kids grew up...We hope your new home will bring you many warm and happy memories!!  Good Luck!


  1. I see Maddie was working so hard she needed a refreshing beer.... LOL

    1. does look like that, I didn't notice it so close to her! Nah, not her kind, it was Lakeport Lager:( She was making some sort of slushie when I got back with another load;)
