Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bringing in 2014!!

 We have really been enjoying all of this snow!  Daddy worked away building a bigger, better box liner...why you ask...you'll see later!
 We had some friends over, made some snacks and then headed outside where the air was fresh!

 Look at these kids!!  They were LOVING the box liner!! 

 It was getting cold, so we headed inside to cook some more food and warm up! 

The laughs were plentiful, as were the conversations.  Another great night with great people!  The kids were having their own fun downstairs all night too!!  HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!!!  (Nice picture Pat...!! HA!!)

Some video!

 There was a snow squall warning today and they were right!  Mark just got the rink cleaned off and it was covered again!  The girls had fun though!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Murray Christmas!!!

 We hosted Christmas for the Murray's today!  We had a hugs lunch, opened some gifts and then headed outside!  (Well, Auntie Kelly and I were a little behind and missed some great shots on the lake...Gramma and Grandpa both got to drive the snowmobile!!)  The kids had a blast!



 It was well after 6 pm, and we decided we best head in and have some supper!  I am sure everyone was pooped from all of the great fresh air!  We do have so much fun here, it doesn't matter what season it is! 

Making a wish...

 on the Turkey wishbone and Miaya will hopefully get her wish!  I used to LOVE making a wish on the Turkey wishbone!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Play time at Papa's!

Daddy had to work today, still trying to get Toronto and area going, so the girls and I headed to Papa's for some dinner and playtime!  The girls did tonnes of crafts and then we went sledding outside!  Another day of visiting, a great part of Christmas!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas at Nana's!!!

 We spent Boxing Day at Nana's and she prepared a yummy feast in her new home!!  It is such a cozy place...we all had a great day!

 I have to take pictures of myself if I want to be in any so...I do a pretty good job!!

The kids opened some gifts, played and ate lots of good food!!  And then it happened...(I'm going to blame my brother)...there may have been a can of whip cream sacrificed!  All over myself, by brother and my nephew got hit a little too...all of the pictures are on the other cameras!  It was sticky and SOOOOO funny!!  And that folks, is how you make memories!!  Thanks for a great day Nana!!! xo

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

And a Partridge in an Ironwood Tree...!!!


 Our Christmas Day continued with Uncle Bud bringing the turkey for dinner and the boys fried it...Dinner in less than an hour...less work for me and tastes great!!  And yes, there was a partridge in the tree!  Didn't capture it very well but it was there! The girls stayed in their jammies all day and had such a fun day at home with all of their new things!!  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL...and to all a GREAT NIGHT!!!!  xo

HE CAME...HE CAME!!!!!! HE CAME!!!!!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!  I was up and waiting for our 2 beauties!!  Maddie had been up through the night so was a little sleepy this morning!  Santa left a gift under their trees in their rooms...WOO HOO!!!!!

 Man I love these 2 cuties more than words can say!!

Time to get Daddy up...RISE AND SHINE!!!  (It was 8 o'clock at this point...)

 The girls opened some of their Santa gifts, we had cinnamon rolls and took a break to play with some new toys!  Miaya painted and Maddie made some gross science experiments!  (They were called Gross experiments!)  They both loved them!!


 A couple pictures of the aftermath...Christmas Morning is soooo exciting!  We tidied up a little and then snuggled up to watch a new movie with popcorn!!  Then outside we went for some fresh air!

We hope your Christmas Morning was as awesome as ours!!!