Saturday, December 14, 2013

Baking, Playing and Sleepovers!

 My girlfriend and her daughter came over today to do some Christmas Baking!  The girls made their own Gingerbread cookies and had so much fun!  We worked away and made 8 different kinds of goodies today...and the kids also made ornaments!  (They are making baskets of goodies for the Grandparents!)

They took many breaks to play (inside only because it was -24 degrees plus a wind chill today!!  CHILLY!!!) They were a little annoyed they had to stay in but they had so much fun!  After supper, they watched most of a movie, played and then headed to bed...while the Mom's finished our mess and had some adult conversation, which is always nice!!  Daddy got home from work just in time to put his feet up with the ladies and join in on our talk! 

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