Tuesday, December 24, 2013


 We headed to Gramma & Grandpa's today, to help celebrate his birthday and to visit with everyone!  The kids helped Gramma bake Gingerbread cookies and they played so well together while the adults enjoyed some chit chat together!

 Look at these cute little faces!!  What a terrific picture!  They are all so excited to see each other, we love it!!  And it's obvious they play hard because Miaya was passed out on the way home!  What a great way to spend a Christmas Eve afternoon...we are excited to get home and get ready for Santa though!!

(And a special Thank you to Gramma and Grandpa for letting the girls hang out with you and Zavhier and Kyanne yesterday, while I got all my last minute groceries and running around done!  With Daddy working, and town being a ZOO it saved a lot of headache and tears...from all of us!!)

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