Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sleepy pants...

Little missy goes to bed every night at 7 pm...and if she's not in bed, she normally looks like this even if we happen to be driving less than 2 minutes from home...cutie!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fashion models...

Gramma came over to visit the girls today!  The girls had her playing with many many things...and she had to take part in a fashion show which I promised not to post the pictures from.  Too darn cute!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Let it snow...AGAIN!!!

 It has to be almost over...right??!?!?!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 School cancelled in the middle of March...welcome to a long Canadian winter!!  The girls were up at regular time so we had lots of time to do many things today!  Maddie was on face time with her girlfriend before 7 am!!  Ha ha...girls!!  And then we went outside!  There was a little freezing rain but I'm not sure it was bus cancelling worthy.  Fine with us though, we love playing outside!


 The weather was great before lunch so we enjoyed the sunshine and a day off in the middle of the week!!


Monday, March 17, 2014

Forts on St.Patrick's Day!!

 With both the kids not themselves last week and Maddie back to school today, Miaya and I gutted and cleaned the house!!  Opened the windows, cranked up the woodstove (still cold out!!) and the music up!!  Miaya made some forts in the living room while I scrubbed!!  Let's hope it helps!!  (And I'm happy to report that Maddie was feeling better on the weekend, still not eating much but that'll come!  So, she was able to have her friend over finally!!  She was here all day Saturday and Sunday!!  I took her home after supper Sunday night!  So, at least Maddie got 3 days of fun!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Some Science Centre Fun...

 After some encouragement early this am, Maddie decided she would try our day adventure!  Daddy had taken the day off to join us and we were excited to meet Kelly and the kids and we were able to go, the first day out in over a week!  And Maddie had fun!!  Still a little sleepy, but she was glad to get out for the day!!

The kids had so much fun RUNNING from exhibit to exhibit!  They all stuck together and tried a little bit of everything they had to offer the kids.


 We spent the entire day there, we closed the place down!  The kids weren't done playing so we went back to Kelly's where we were going to eat dinner and visit.  We did that, but not until Uncle Mark had to break into their house because Zavhier accidentally dropped the house key right between the deck boards!!  HA HA, good shot really!!  We got in, settled, filled our bellies, the kids played and the adults chatted until the kids were pooped!  A wonderful way to spend the last bit of Maddie's break!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Just Chilling...

 Daddy headed out early this morning with his brain full of information!!  The girls and I just hung out quietly. Maddie did so many crafts...some of them she got 2 years ago!!  She was having a riot!  And Miaya was having fun too...we did a little bit of everything today!  Maddie is getting stronger each day and had a few little things to eat too!!!  WOO HOOO!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Quiet Crafts...

 We got home today after lunch and Maddie went straight to bed.  I should have too but Daddy was off today so he could study for his exam tomorrow and I can sleep later, so he had a quick nap and got right to reading.  We just had soup for supper, not Maddie though, she isn't eating yet.  And then I thought we should do something for Daddy to wish him luck!  He's writing his Red Seal Exam tomorrow and I am so proud of him!!  He wishes he would have written it a few years ago, but life happens and he's doing it now and he will rock it!!!  The girls made this sign!!  We hung it up outside our bedroom wall!  GOOD LUCK DADDY!!!!
Maddie hasn't eaten any food since Monday and not really much for the past week.  She already lost 5 lbs last week and it's still falling off her.  Her ribs are sticking out...poor girl.  Kids are resilient but still hard to watch.  Hopefully she'll feel better soon so she can enjoy some of her break!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Poor Pumpkin...

 Our little princess has been feeling pretty crappy lately.  She deserves to feel better and we were doing our best but it was time to head to the hospital.  I took both the girls last night before dinner because Miaya (who never complains) said her throat "hurt when she swallowed her spit"...it was very red and swollen when I checked so away we went...Miaya has tonsillitis, Daddy came and picked her up after work and Maddie and I spent the night.  Maddie is a TROOPER!!!  She was poked and prodded, had ex-rays, gave blood and was hooked to an IV...many "1st's".  After 16 hours, they sent us home.  Man, my heart was hurting for her...As a mother, I  just want to take her pain and make it mine but I couldn't.  We are so proud of her, our witty ray of sunshine, we just want her to feel better!!  And yes, it's March Break and this is how she gets to spend it.  A memory now and hope she never feels like that again...

Sunday, March 9, 2014


 Gramma turned another year older a few days ago, a milestone, so we had a family supper at a local steakhouse!  Unfortunately Maddie decided not to come, she hasn't been feeling well, (we had to cancel her friend coming over and she missed out on a movie date yesterday too...booo!!) so she hung out with Nana and enjoyed her quiet visit!
 The kids were so good for the few hours we were there!  Our little monkey and little Miss Kyanne are so funny together and may need to be watched as they grow...ha!!  I smell trouble!!!

 Gramma had a nice dinner and since they just got back from their winter getaway, it was good to get caught up with everyone.  We made a cake and we all sang to her!! 
Happy Birthday Gramma!!  Wishes for many many more birthday's full of fun, great health and memories!! xo

Friday, March 7, 2014

BIts of the fun...

Fun in the Sun...even if it is COLD!!!

 Winter seems to be lasting forever this year...might as well make the best of it!  And that is what we did today!!  Daddy was off and Maddie started her March break and the sun was shining!!

And we all had a great time!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fresh Air...

I got a call yesterday before lunch that Maddie wasn't feeling well, so I headed to pick her up and she spent the day resting.  She was feeling a little better this morning but still not 100% so I kept her home.  By the afternoon she was back to her old self again!  We went to suck in some fresh air and it was fresh!!  BRRRRRR...it is March and COLD!!  We don't let that stop us though!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dancing Divas!

This picture turned out awful...but it's proof that we were having a great time!  Nana kept Miaya for the night, Maddie was at a sleepover/birthday and Daddy and I went out with Brandy and my brother to a dance and had a blast!  (Despite the crap assed weather, snowing, cold and miserable...) we were tucked safe and sound inside, where we enjoyed a few adult beverages and LOTS of dancing!  So much fun!  We had full intentions to get up and head out for some groceries etc. but our butts stayed on the couch, we watched a movie and headed to get the girls!