Sunday, March 9, 2014


 Gramma turned another year older a few days ago, a milestone, so we had a family supper at a local steakhouse!  Unfortunately Maddie decided not to come, she hasn't been feeling well, (we had to cancel her friend coming over and she missed out on a movie date yesterday too...booo!!) so she hung out with Nana and enjoyed her quiet visit!
 The kids were so good for the few hours we were there!  Our little monkey and little Miss Kyanne are so funny together and may need to be watched as they grow...ha!!  I smell trouble!!!

 Gramma had a nice dinner and since they just got back from their winter getaway, it was good to get caught up with everyone.  We made a cake and we all sang to her!! 
Happy Birthday Gramma!!  Wishes for many many more birthday's full of fun, great health and memories!! xo

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