Saturday, May 31, 2014

Color Me RAD!!!

 There are soooo many good things about today.  The first 5 KM race that I have registered in, with my girlfriend (of about 29 years!!) and we are STOKED!!!  And maybe a little nervous too.  She picked up our AWESOME classic sweatbands (aren't they lovely?!) and we got our super awesome bright SHADES, we are all good to go!  The atmosphere  here was so uplifting and fun and loud and it made me feel much more relaxed! 

 This was not a timed race at all, just for fun.  We made a goal to stick together and have fun and we did that and KICKED times butt!  We were finished between 26 and 28 mins.  Even with the "stops" to get sprayed with colour (which was AWESOME!) and even with having to run around people (even though the walkers were asked to stick to the right)  I actually thought at one point Janelle might punch someone for not being on the right...LOL!!!  (Better her than I!)

 But no one got punched and we both finished with personal bests which we were quite shocked.  We wanted to keep running and thought for sure that we missed a piece of the course.  But WHO CARES!!!  WE DID IT!!!  And had so much fun!!!  And as we were cleaning up to make the drive back to her place, I told her that we should be so proud of ourselves for many reasons and one of those reasons being that 29 (ish) years later, we are standing here together having this conversation!!  So YAY US!!!!!

We showered at her place after stopping for lunch, headed out for some shopping and had dinner out together!  A fantastic day!!  We had so much fun that we registered for another "fun" race in September and we are super excited for our Muddy adventure in August too!!! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy FRIDAY!!!

Miaya set up her toys outside today and when Maddie got home, she brought her turtle out (yup, she has a little turtle, his name is Buttons!) to play on Miaya's Zoo!  HA HA, it was sliding down the slide!  Daddy went for a 4 wheeler ride and worked on cleaning the boat while the girls and I went for a bike ride.  Both girls go 5 kms on their bikes, which for Miaya, is pretty good we think. 


I snapped some shots of most of the gardens tonight.  Just ignore the sprinkler and patch of dirt, we are hoping it grows soon!  Can't wait until all the flowers bloom!  WE LOVE SUMMER!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

 The girls were excited for Daddy's birthday and to see him!!  He isn't home every night anymore, so they miss him.  And, they were excited for cake HA!!  Miaya was up late waiting for him, so she was all ready for bed but she was able to have cake and help with his gifts.  Maddie was a great helper too!

And as usual, we got him his favorite cake, store bought not homemade.  He is not a big fan of his birthday but we made a big deal about it for him!  We love our birthday boy!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Busy weekend...

 We had to stick close to home this weekend because Maddie had to have her dance pictures taken (1 Saturday night and 2 Sunday afternoon)  So, Miaya and Daddy cut and rolled the grass Saturday while we were out.  Daddy had to go to a stag for a friend Saturday night, so it was just us chicks for the night.  And Sunday, the girls and I hung out  (while I ran Maddie to pictures) while Daddy rested.  He's getting old;)  HA!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Shopping, Ice cream and a nap!!

Little Missy and I went to do some errands today and she was so good!  We were out all day so for a little treat we had some ice cream  and on the long drive home, she passed out...all covered with her chocolate treat.  And when she was a very bad night.  Not one of her proudest moments.  But on the upside, when Daddy got home I took off for a run (I needed some fresh air) and I guess I run faster when fueled with frustration because I ran a new personal record.  Yay me!  AND, Miaya survived!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mama's little helper

 After Maddie headed oft so school this morning, Miaya and I spent some time fertilizing our new gardens, they look very pretty!  And on the way to pick up Maddie from school, she passed out cold, with her game in hand...snoring!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Busy long weekend!


Miaya and I started moving all that dirt around Thursday and by Monday all the gardens were re-done and planted.  The weather was not the best...cold and wet however it did help keep the bugs away!  Daddy worked hard at planting some new grass and spreading the rest of our pile around!  The girls helped play in the dirt and they rode their bikes and enjoyed some fresh air!  A great way to spend a long weekend!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bring on the dirt!!

 Our load of top soil got delivered today!!  Woo Hoo!!  Now I can get started on fixing my gardens and we want to level out some of the yard.  Miaya enjoyed helping too, and using the pile as a slide! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Can your dog play cards?!

Ours can!!  Or at least she think she can.  Maddie and I play cards before she heads to bed and Jersey likes to join us.  It makes it a little difficult to reach the pile but we manage.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers day!!!

The sun was shining, it was a gorgeous day!!  My hubby and I had a Jack and Jill to go to last night, so after we had Chinese food to celebrate Mother's Day, we headed out for the night and the girls stayed at Nana's for a sleepover. (And so did we when we called it a night...or early morning.)  The girls and I had breakfast with Nana, and when Daddy got up we walked up to Gramma's for a visit.  Mark did a few things for my Mom, so we played outside and spent the afternoon at the park!  I had a wonderful day!  I hope all of you Mom's did too!! 

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweet little niece today!!!  See you soon!!!  xoxox

Friday, May 9, 2014


She looked like Cinderella, all dressed in her Tiara and ball gown, but she was slaving away helping me clean out buddy's truck today...a side job of mine;)  I like to clean so why not get paid to do it?! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sooooooooo itchy!!!!

 We've been home for almost a week now and these spots starting popping up Sunday night.  I thought at first they were mosquito bites but they kept multiplying and getting itchier every minute.  Yesterday, they were even worse then these pictures show.  I sent Mark a picture at work and his response was "Get to the Dr!!"  I went today and she confirmed what we thought, Sand flea bites.  Little buggers had a field day with me.  Nothing I could do except cream and not scratch them.  I had a hard time sleeping for a few days but I learnt to ignore them.  ITCHY!!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Great day for a hike!

 Even though it was damp and cold, we headed out for the day.  We went for a beautiful drive, had some lunch, went for a hike and Daddy showed the girls some of his old stomping ground.  It is beautiful where we are but this area is just as if not more peaceful.  The girls enjoyed seeing some sites and asking Daddy  lots of questions...they better behave as they get older or they may find themselves even more secluded farther North!  HA!!