Thursday, May 1, 2014

Home sweet home!

 We arrived home after 3:30 am this morning and man it was COLD in our house and damp outside!  BOOO!!!  By the time we got the house warmed up, we headed to bed after 4 am and back up at 7 get to Nana's to relieve her so she could get to work and we couldn't wait to see our babies!!  We got to visit with the girls and then I ran Maddie to school, Daddy finished packing up the girls stuff and then we headed to Gramma and Grandpa's to get Jersey.  Then it was home to get some things together before we ran back in to pick Maddie up from school so the girls could get to gymnastics and dance class!  A very busy day on little sleep but no complaints here (except the!!)  Vacations are fabulous and so is home!! 

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