Saturday, May 31, 2014

Color Me RAD!!!

 There are soooo many good things about today.  The first 5 KM race that I have registered in, with my girlfriend (of about 29 years!!) and we are STOKED!!!  And maybe a little nervous too.  She picked up our AWESOME classic sweatbands (aren't they lovely?!) and we got our super awesome bright SHADES, we are all good to go!  The atmosphere  here was so uplifting and fun and loud and it made me feel much more relaxed! 

 This was not a timed race at all, just for fun.  We made a goal to stick together and have fun and we did that and KICKED times butt!  We were finished between 26 and 28 mins.  Even with the "stops" to get sprayed with colour (which was AWESOME!) and even with having to run around people (even though the walkers were asked to stick to the right)  I actually thought at one point Janelle might punch someone for not being on the right...LOL!!!  (Better her than I!)

 But no one got punched and we both finished with personal bests which we were quite shocked.  We wanted to keep running and thought for sure that we missed a piece of the course.  But WHO CARES!!!  WE DID IT!!!  And had so much fun!!!  And as we were cleaning up to make the drive back to her place, I told her that we should be so proud of ourselves for many reasons and one of those reasons being that 29 (ish) years later, we are standing here together having this conversation!!  So YAY US!!!!!

We showered at her place after stopping for lunch, headed out for some shopping and had dinner out together!  A fantastic day!!  We had so much fun that we registered for another "fun" race in September and we are super excited for our Muddy adventure in August too!!! 

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