Monday, March 30, 2015

You can't ride in my little red wagon...

We came home from dance tonight to find Daddy in the garage...and he had just done this...the girls wagon is SO cool now!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Being a redneck is fun!

 Daddy made the girls a very cool wagon for the back of the 4-wheeler!  And it is hilarious but they LOVE it!! 

Monday, March 16, 2015


 MARCH BREAK IS HERE!!!!  The girls were great today, we went through both their rooms this am and got rid of clothes etc.  Maddie's new nickname is Stretch because she has grown so much!!  They had a dance studio/party going for hours! 

And because I am such a terrible mother...I have put my foot down about Hope the Hamster.  I refuse to clean her cage anymore because I am teaching Maddie nothing.  I used to "remind" her that the cage needed cleaning etc. but I quit.  So, her Dad told her if it wasn't clean when he got home from work, Hope would be gone.  She needs better care than she is giving her.  So, with the help of her sister (mostly on her own because Miaya was too busy taking selfies! HA) she did it!  And she will continue to do it or Hope will be gone.


This girl keeps me laughing!  Funny kid!  So Day 1 of the Break was a success!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The animals are getting along a little better.  Jersey has finally started sticking up for herself a little anyways.  Caramel still thinks he's in charge...Good thing Jersey is so sweet!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Which one is real?

 I had to look twice when I came down and saw this.  He's cute.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Kelly brought the kids up today for a visit!  Uncle Mark took them for a snowmobile ride, which turned out to last longer than anticipated because the sled broke down about 2 kms away!  BOOO!!!   Of course, they all had to walk back and the snow is VERY deep.  Mark had to pull the 2 youngest because the snow is well past Miaya's waist in a few spots!  Which means Mark is pulling the 2 kids, the big sled and the GT and the snow is mid-shin on him.  He was WIPED!  But Kelly and I were sorry we missed it because I guess they were all complaining.  Miaya and Kyanne were "bored" of sitting and were they almost there...why are you going so slow??  The 2 older ones went ahead but not before telling Mark that he should have had his phone.  They said he could have called the Mom's to go pick them up...How and in what Mark wasn't sure since they were in the bush but he got ear fulls from the 4 of them....good thing my husband has the patience of a saint!!  I had dinner ready for them when they got back.  They all refuelled before playing some more before bath/bedtime! 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Forts, Naps and Selfies!

 It was a lazy the girls made some awesome forts!  And when I downloaded the pictures, there was a LOT of selfies...mostly from Miaya.  I kept a few but man can she take pictures!


And when it was time for clean up before bed, Caramel took cover in the couch!  It's a good thing he was spotted or he would have gotten squished!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Hanging out

 with my family makes me smile!!  My brother and fam came up for the night!  They were here when I got home from work today and it was so nice to catch up!
 Brandy...what a girl...went to get A straw and all of them fell out so she used all of them!!  They would fall out periodically, she always makes me laugh!!

We love having them here!!  Our visits are too few and far between, with the kids getting older and busier, it makes it hard.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

WHAT??!?!?! Again??!!

 For crying out loud...I know the plant is enticing because it hangs but it does not mean it's a toy.  I don't think Caramel cares...It now needs to be repotted and I hope it's able to come back.  Grrrr...and then I find him here, on Jersey's pillow, napping because he must be tired after his adventure the last 2 nights!

Monday, March 2, 2015

WHAT THE??!?!?!?

Well crap!  I wonder how that got there?! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The best days

 Look like this!  Our girls having fun, smiling and hanging out together!  We are so lucky to have the best husband/Dad ever!  He dragged Maddie around the lake for 2 hours while she rode her snowboard practicing turning and doing little jumps!  Miaya and I rode the 4-wheeler, her telling me to go faster!

And Maddie was pooped!!  Her little legs were tired!!  I said to her that I hope she always remembers how patient her Daddy is, doing all these fun things with her!!  Loving life!!