Sunday, March 8, 2015


Kelly brought the kids up today for a visit!  Uncle Mark took them for a snowmobile ride, which turned out to last longer than anticipated because the sled broke down about 2 kms away!  BOOO!!!   Of course, they all had to walk back and the snow is VERY deep.  Mark had to pull the 2 youngest because the snow is well past Miaya's waist in a few spots!  Which means Mark is pulling the 2 kids, the big sled and the GT and the snow is mid-shin on him.  He was WIPED!  But Kelly and I were sorry we missed it because I guess they were all complaining.  Miaya and Kyanne were "bored" of sitting and were they almost there...why are you going so slow??  The 2 older ones went ahead but not before telling Mark that he should have had his phone.  They said he could have called the Mom's to go pick them up...How and in what Mark wasn't sure since they were in the bush but he got ear fulls from the 4 of them....good thing my husband has the patience of a saint!!  I had dinner ready for them when they got back.  They all refuelled before playing some more before bath/bedtime! 

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