Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Go Daddy go!!!

Daddy tried with no training wheels first...but then it was Maddie's turn!!

She is learning to keep herself balanced which is hard but she was doing an awesome job!

Miaya wanted in on some action too!!

Maddie really wanted to get on and just do it but realized it is harder than that...we both worked with her for over an hour and she is doing so great!! Soon, they will be off for good!!!

These shoes were made for walking...

Miaya's favorite mode of transportation today has been walking!!

When she saw her favorite big sister on the road...she walked all the way down the driveway and on the road to catch up to her!! Good thing we don't live in a busy street!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

One year checkup!!!

I took Little Miss Miaya to the doctor today for her 1 year check up!!! She received 2 needles, which she took like a champ!!! (She's a tough cookie!!) And she weighed in at 21 lbs 11 oz and 31 inches long!!! Long and lean the doctor said and I responded with "Look at her rolly poley legs!!"...She eats almost anything you put in front of her (and even some things you don't!) and is doing awesome as usual!! She is growing like a bad weed!!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Moving day...almost!

Not for us...for Mark's sister and family! The boys, along with Maddie and Zavhier headed over to their storage unit where they packed up our truck and headed over to unpack some of their things!

Miaya and Kyanne stayed with us and we inspected their new place...and played!!! When the kids got back, they ran in the sprinkler to cool off before heading back over for another load!! (They worked hard riding on the carts and running around you know;))

Kyanne, being silly!!! We were glad to help, just wish there was more we could do to help!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Miaya

Mommy said it was my birthday today...hmmm...sounds like an excuse to have a fantastic day!!

I got to go on my 1st 4 wheeler ride with my Daddy tonight!! That was fun!!! My favorite big sister wasn't here today though and I missed her...

I was so hot today so Mommy and I spent lots of time in the pool and at the lake...I felt much cooler after my dips!!

And then, I got to open some presents...that was sure fun!! I got to rip paper and no one said "No" to me!!!

I really wanted to play with my new toys but Daddy had to get them out of the package for me...that took too long!!!

And then Mommy sang to me and gave me a BIG chocolate cupcake...now that was yummy!!!

I ate almost the whole thing...I was sure messy, so I had to have a bath!!!

But Mommy is fast at that, so when we were done, I went on the front deck and played with my new toys!! I had a really fun 1st birthday!!!

Watch me grow!

Hard to believe we were still waiting to meet you just a short year ago....and then, here you were!!

Big sister meeting her little sister for the 1st time...within minutes, she didn't want to share her.

Our littlest pumpkin has always been a pretty easy girl to please...sleeps well, eats well and smiles all the time...

There are just a few things she doesn't like...The word "NO" for one and getting new teeth...well, who really likes either of those things????

We love watching her personality change daily...her new sounds, words and expressions are always keeping us laughing!

Our big One year old has 6 teeth now, gives us kisses and hugs, says many words and is walking...time seems to slip away faster than we want it to at times but there is no stopping it. We only have the ability to enjoy each moment, every day. And well, for me...take lots of pictures!!!! A trip down memory lane is good for our souls.

Looking back...our year was a fantastic one...one that I would repeat over again in a heartbeat. Our family is complete with our 2 beautiful girls, we honestly couldn't ask for more. And I wouldn't change a single thing!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Camping adventure!!

Gramma and Grandpa are camping for a while and invited Maddie to join them for a sleepover...So we headed out in the boat to send her off!!

We had a visit at the campsite and joined Zavhier who was already there!! And Miaya did some exploring in the dirt! She also showed off her walking skills as she was trying to follow the kids around!!

It was sooooo hot so we headed down to the beach for a swim, the water was just like soup!!! Ahhhh, we love summer!!!Miaya and Daddy hung out in the shade while I joined a game of water football already in progress!!

Before we were off for our boat ride home, the kids were digging in the sand after taking them to the store for some sugar! (You are welcome Gramma and Grandpa...not like they weren't hyper enough!!!)

And because Zavhier asked so nicely (he is tooo cute to say no to!) we bought him a pair of goggles with ducks on them for their many visits to the water!!!

Maddie showing off her goggles minus the ducks!!!

We said our farewells and headed off for the boat ride home...And as you can see, Miaya had a nap on my lap!!! I hope our Maddie has a GREAT time, she deserves it!!!