Saturday, July 16, 2011

Miaya's 1st Birthday Party!!!!

Today is a BIG day for our almost-one-year-old!!! I made her a cake...definitely my worst creation but it was made with so much love!! The party goers enjoyed some food while trying to keep was stinking hot!!

The kids tried to stay cool by having water fights...with balloons and the hose...Maddie may have been getting everyone wet, so I got her back...and then she got Gramma pretty good, twice:) All in good fun though and like Gramma said, "It's just water!!!"

The birthday girl with her cousin Jake...she loves him!

Having a drink with Uncle Pat!

Time for cake! We all sang to the birthday girl and she is such a ham so she smiled and clapped for herself too!!! Look at sweet!!!

And then Miaya had her 1st piece of least we know she is definitely my daughter because she loved it!!!

Me with my beauties!!

After cake...Daddy and I threw her in the tub for a rinse off...

And then she got to open her gifts...or play with the wrap, whatever you want to call it!!!

Today was an absolutely wonderfully awesome day:))) Considering it was over 30 degrees plus the humidity, the cute smiley birthday girl didn't seem to mind. Today is a day I hope to never forget...

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