Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Miaya

Mommy said it was my birthday today...hmmm...sounds like an excuse to have a fantastic day!!

I got to go on my 1st 4 wheeler ride with my Daddy tonight!! That was fun!!! My favorite big sister wasn't here today though and I missed her...

I was so hot today so Mommy and I spent lots of time in the pool and at the lake...I felt much cooler after my dips!!

And then, I got to open some presents...that was sure fun!! I got to rip paper and no one said "No" to me!!!

I really wanted to play with my new toys but Daddy had to get them out of the package for me...that took too long!!!

And then Mommy sang to me and gave me a BIG chocolate that was yummy!!!

I ate almost the whole thing...I was sure messy, so I had to have a bath!!!

But Mommy is fast at that, so when we were done, I went on the front deck and played with my new toys!! I had a really fun 1st birthday!!!

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