Friday, May 11, 2012

Mama Bear...

was here last night and all over the neighbourhood causing trouble...a great deal of trouble...the Ministry will do nothing.  I am such an idiot too because I did not put our garbage pail in the garage, I left it outside.  The night prior to this she was here too but left when we had nothing for her.  But...tonight she came back with a vengeance and I startled her around 11:30 pm my setting the car alarm off but the bugger came back around 2:30 am and carried our pail to the back where she ravaged through looking for something to eat. She was also across the road at both neighbours (where she destroyed their bins!)  and our one neighbour beside us...So after we got Maddie off to school, Miaya observed me picking up everyone's garbage, my good deed for today!

(It was kind of an eery feeling, standing in the dining room with the window open, listening to her breathe from below the garage..).

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