Monday, May 21, 2012


(I have to try and write this so it doesn't sound like whining...)  Mark is many things to best friend, a terrific husband, a wonderful father...he is also a man who works very hard to provide for his family.  I think he shows that by working MILES away from his home, so that we can have everything we need and so that I can stay home with our daughters.  He is truly the most amazing man I know...And just because he does all of those things, doesn't mean he enjoys every moment (nor do I).  We simply do the best we can with what we have, in the amount of time we have.  It is hard to cram everything we want to do in 6 days...he needs sleep, the girls miss him, I miss him, the house needs work, he needs time for himself, as do I (the list goes on)again...we do the best we can.  With all of that being said, it is still hard to juggle everything around.  And I told him tonight that if one more person says to either one of us, "It's not that bad..." I might hit are both very appreciative of the things we have, please don't get me wrong, but he works 14 days straight, 14-16 hour days and I know I couldn't do what he does...He works hard, damn hard.  And that is why I love him so much...we all need to be told that more often than we are...

So, after working together on a few projects and getting lots of things done, we realized, after almost 9 years of marriage, we work awesome together still!!  We enjoyed a fire on the deck, some roasted marshmallows and some drinks tonight after we tucked our girls into bed...and had a great time, just the 2 of us...and I guess I just wanted everyone to know how much it means to be appreciated, we should all do this a little more...

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