Monday, July 2, 2012

Home Day...

We had to get packed up to leave today...none of us wanted to but reality says Daddy has to work tomorrow...We had a BIG yummy breakfast and then Maddie went ahead to the Water Park with our friends, while we stayed back and got ready to go...

 Miaya thought she was a BIG girl because she was playing in Maddie's seat...she is so funny, she is always making me laugh!  We met up with Maddie and hung out in the water for a few hours...Then we got changed, played a few more games, had some Funnel Cake and had to head home!!

We were fully prepared for a long drive, with it being a long weekend and crossing the border...but we got lucky!!  We made it home in only 4 1/2 hours...with 4 stops!!!  WOW!!!  It is truly amazing how a few days away can clear your mind and relieve so much awesome weekend!!!


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