Friday, July 20, 2012


(I am so far behind, so I am going to do our summer in a "nutshell" goes...!!)  On Miaya's birthday, Daddy came home very early in the morning.  He received some good news before lunch that he no longer had to go back to Saskatchewan to work!!!  YAY!!!  And by 5pm, our visitors had arrived!  2 of our handsome nephews and Auntie Sandra stayed with us until Saturday!  The kids had a wonderful time...having cake the night they got here to help Miaya celebrate her birthday, we went for a boat ride, 4-wheeler rides, swimming in the pool...We had a great time!!!



And the "adults" had a great time together at night, after the kiddies went to bed!!  We had some laughs, MANY actually and some very late nights.  Our time together went fast as usual but we packed a lot of fun into the time we had...can't wait until we see you guys again!!!

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