Friday, July 6, 2012

That moment...

when you realize you have done something with only half your brain...or none of it!!  Anyone else ever have these moments??!!

Gramma had just left with Maddie for their play date and Miaya and I were heading to the (air conditioned!) trailer to finish cleaning the floor and put all the clean stuff away...Miaya needed a snack, so I shut the door, walked about 20 feet while thinking "Hmmm...I left the keys (the only set!) in there...oh she'll be fine"  I came back a few minutes later to a LOCKED door!!!  S*&T!!!!!  What the H-E-L-L was I thinking?!?!!  So I calmly asked little Miss Miaya to "open" the door...All I hear is "Yup Mama"...and I hear some noise at the door...NOTHING!!!  CRAP!!!!  So, 2 more times I instructed the not quite 2 year old how to unlock the door..."Turn the RED switch honey"  "Yup Mama"  In my mind I am thinking, which window is the cheapest to fix and Mark is going to kill me!  (He wouldn't but I am sure he wouldn't be impressed with his brain dead wife's actions...)  And then I hear it...CLICK...THANK FRIGGING GOD!!!!!!!  And thank god she knows her colours!!!  I opened the door and quickly put the keys in my pocket...and yes, I learned to NEVER do that again...dumbass...

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